Roots-n-Wings Tattoo
Germany, Berlin
*available tattoo flash* Squirrels! You’ve been following me persistently, on- and offline, summer and winter. As tattoos, cup prints, drawings, and garden visitors. Your huge fluffy feet are ridiculous and the sounds you make when seemingly pissed, are hilarious. Watching you hiding your acorns is fun knowing you are dumb enough to not find more than half of them again. Seeing you play with another squirrel running up and down tree trunks makes me think you live in 3x speed to human life. Feeling your tiny feet on my hand when you pick up a nut makes my heart suspend and almost blast out of excitement! I drew you with the expression of a granny looking heartwarmingly at playing kids with melting tenderness: the one I have looking up at you from the ground. Sometimes I wonder what you’d be like without your fluffy tail. So here you are, with a kale as a tail! #squirrel #squirreltattoo #flashtattoo #tattooflash #inksearchtodo #blackwork #blackworkers #blackworktattoo #linework #animaltattoo #naturefreak #berlintattoo #berntattoo #berlintattooer #berlintattooartist #berlintattooist #womenwhodraw #womenwhotattoo #contemporarytattooing #inkdrawing #inkdrawings